So first off, the bag itself...
Now that I'm on summer holidays I can change my bag around more often and according to my outfit, so the bag I've been using recently is from Accessorize and amazingly only cost £10 (it's a long story hehe!)
And here's what I carry around....
Make-Up Bag from Tesco
Evian water - this is so handy to carry around because it's only 33ml
Handbag tissues - I'm obsessed with handbags and I was very happy to get these tissues from Father Christmas last year!!
Purse from New Look
Umbrella from Primark - I walk everywhere and have learnt from experience that even when it's bright sunshine, always carry an umbrella! urghh England :(
Eyedrops - I suffer from hayfever so these are my saviour!
Sunniess - LOVING the weather in the UK at the moment, and hoping it continues.
Half packet of gum
Hairbrush and Notebook from Artbox - if you haven't heard of Artbox then you should definitely check them out, they sell the cutest stationery.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing what's in my bag lol.
I wasn't sure how people to tag so decided on 5 -
- Jade
- Caz
- Marie
- Nicola
- Madeline
Have a wonderful weekend in the sun! xo